Wednesday 12 June 2013

Living Below The Line: More about day 4.

I can hardly believe there's just one more day to go and we've done it.  Last Saturday the week ahead seemed endless but now - where's the time gone?  Incredible!

So, how did the food go?  Very well, thank you.  Porridge for breakfast always goes well for me.  For the egg sandwich, I took all the component parts to school and assembled it just before I ate.  That was two slices bread and butter and in the middle it was salad leaves, loadsa egg, salad leaves.  The egg - eggs, in fact - were hard boiled this morning and mashed with a titchy bit of mayo.  We're lucky; I get my eggs from a lovely lady who keeps chickens to provide the eggs for her cake making business and she always has some left over.  Six for a pound and they are big and beautiful.  As are her cakes, believe me.  If you're local, do give her a try.

Beth brought over some cabbage from her garden so I had shredded cabbage which I boiled in salted water before topping it with the chilli con carne I made yesterday, topped with a little yoghurt.  When I was making the chilli I did my little trick of adding some oats.  You can't tell and it makes the whole thing so lovely and thick without any need to add flour.  And oats are so good for you too.
The bowlful looked so colourful and delicious, it was a pleasure to look at it, let alone eat it, but eat it I did.   Mmmmm.

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