Monday 23 September 2013

Storecupboard Monday

B:  banana bread with blackberry and apple jam.
L:  beany tomato mix with pasta, fruit, tomatoes
D:  Savoury mince pie, runner beans, carrots, spiced stewed plums with yoghurt

Most of this is leftovers.
The banana bread is from the freezer and the jam is actually what I scraped from the top as 'scum' but it still tastes great!
The beany mix is the leftovers of what I made Beth for dinner yesterday.
The pie, beans and plums are also leftovers and the carrots will be fresh pulled from the garden.

How's that for eating like a queen on pennies!!!

One more thing - the Thermomix pastry worked like a dream.  Cheers!!!  I can now make pastry!

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