Sunday 2 June 2013

Cheaper than chips update: 1-6-13 and 2-6-13

Well - things were going great until the crash!  Did you hear it?  No, not a car crash, a great big food crash.

Actually, thinking about it, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it could have been or as it would have been two months ago.  It seems my tolerance level for food and for alcohol has decreased which is excellent but I have suffered the consequences this morning which serves me right good and proper, doesn't it?  And the money wasted - oh, dear!

So no update for yesterday because it wasn't cheaper than chips - unfortunately!  The slate has been wiped clean and here we are back on the frugal road once more.  Porridge, here I come!

I'm going to post my plans here and now so it's not really an update, more a declaration of intent!
B:  Porridge with banana and yogurt
L:  Roasted tomato and lentil soup with toasted croutons, strawberry sorbet.
D:  Scrambled eggs on toast (planned for yesterday), apple or satsuma

I know it's not much but, to be honest, I think that's wise!  :-)

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